What is...ArmyScraps

We are the supply sergeant for all of your US Army digital scrapbooking needs. We, Army (wife) Scrappers, wanted some supplies more specific to Army life. So, well, we're making them. Hope you enjoy what you see. There's more on the way, just keep coming back for more. Thank you so much for your service, and that of your family member. The password for downloading freebies is "scraps". Feel free to send comments, questions or suggestions to armyscraps@gmail.com. And be sure to tell your army scrapbooking friends about us!
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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Photo-op Idea

Ok, got to thinking...for those of you who have a military member deployed...if you have the ability to talk to each other either by VTC or webcam, take a picture of your monitor with your military member's face on the screen. I'll bet you can make a good page or so out of it, and it will explain a whole hell of a lot about the 12-15 (or so) months you spent apart and how you had to interact! Maybe it will also give a good space for journaling about your conversation! Just an idea :). If any of you have ideas of your own, please feel free to share!


  1. Hello,
    I think this is really cool and true. We (wife) military don't find enought things for our blogs or even out pictures to use.
    I thank you for your work and doing this for us.
    Thank you for sharing it with us.

    I will tell my husband thank you for you..

  2. i wouldlove tohave some of this scrapkits but i was not able to download them.. please let me know if i need to pay for them..

  3. stop donag for israel
    please check this links out to know what's happening in GAZA,, and to know about the Zionism crime.


    please publish this facts to let the world know about the real terrorism.

    thank you very much.

  4. We're Air Force but we do webcam chats and we use Skype to do our chats. There's a button you can click to take a picture of the person you're talking to as you're talking to them. I do that and scrap what we talked about and use the pictures I snapped of him talking to myself and our little boy.

    And just a comment, the files in the kits are all jpgs that are really hard to use. Why not save them as pngs that are more easily manipulated in photoshop? Just a suggestion! Thanks for the free kits! There aren't any Air Force scrap sites so I use what I can from your site! Thanks again!
